This week was a very hectic week so far me.  I was running around like crazy and had a big weekend in Scotland ahead of me. In class, we had the chance to go to Wimbledon and I was amazed by it. The atmosphere was overwhelming, just to be in such a top notch well known place.  After that we got to go to Regents Park and it was beautiful.  Over all the day was one of the best days I have had in London.  The only bad thing about the day was I was feeling sick for most of it.  But when I got to the park I felt a little better because I was outside and it just was gorgeous!

The rest of my week was really boring and not too exciting.  I got to go on a ghost walk for my one other class which was cool, and then went to class all week.  My friends and I didn’t go out much either and I was happy about that. I’m trying to conserve as much money as possible.  However, when I went to Scotland this weekend I definitely blew a lot of money.  Yet, it was worth it because Scotland was the best time I have had on this trip.  The town was comfortable, and homey.  The people in the town were so friendly, a lot friendlier than Londoners.  Everywhere we went, we made friends and had a great time.  Some of the big things we did there were: climb Arthur’s seat, toured Edinburg castle, walked the town, toured Sir Walter Scott’s house, and went to the Abbey.  I am so happy I decided to go to Scotland and am anxious for next weekend to come when I am in Paris!

Overall, this week was great.  Being here keeps getting better and better every day that goes by.  I cannot believe we are half way done with this trip. I am a little homesick but I do not want to go back to PA. I wish I could bring my family here.  However, after my weekend trip, I am definitely considering applying to University of Edinburg for graduate school next year.

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