Today I got lost in the big city world of fashion. I was graced with an afternoon of fabulous weather and one heck of a fabulous friend to have as my shopping partner in crime. We went to Abbey Road first and took the traditional, Beatles, “Abbey Road” picture. I had my doubts but it really did live up to my expectations of just feeling fabulous being there. We signed the wall in front of Abbey Road Studios, which was pretty incredible. My friend’s name is Lucy so she signed it Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds, which I thought was hilarious. We then went to Picadilly Circus which Lucy called the Times Square of London because it had the big, moving billboards like Times Square in New York City. It was a lot of fun and boy did we do a lot of shopping! We went into the second largest toy store in the world next to FAO Schwarts, I would say the name but I can’t recall. We had way too much fun in the toy store. We then proceeded to TopShop which is a dangerous store for me because it included everything I could ever want and for good prices (in pounds). I keep forgetting about this whole pound to dollar conversion price and according to some man we met on the street today, the dollar may even go down in value more tomorrow because tomorrow is the day for the U.S. to make a decision about the economy, we may all be greatly affected which was scary to hear, especially being over here I don’t have as much of an idea as what’s been going on in the news. We finished the day in Camden town and went to a Pub with Goblins in the name so you know it was pretty different. It was Halloween themed and had the best music that any pub has had so far that I’ve been to. They played my classic rock favorites: Led Zeppelin, Queen, they even played Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds which was so ironic because of what went on earlier in the day. Overall, I had a fantastic day and I hope this weather keeps up and I never have to use my umbrella while I’m here again (knocking on wood..).

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